User Guide
Commandline tools

NRP commandline tools easy


NRP commandline tools can currently be used only for NRP repositories based on Invenio technology stack. They can not be used to access repositories based on other technology stacks, such as DSpace, ARL or Islandora.


  • python 3.10 or higher
  • curl


Binary distribution for Linux/64bit


Not yet released, use the pip version instead.

Download the latest release from github and place it somewhere to your PATH. Then just run the nrp-cmd.

Using pip and virtualenv

Run the following command to install the tool:

python3 -m venv nrp-cmd
source nrp-cmd/bin/activate
pip install nrp-invenio-client

For better comfort, create an alias in your .bashrc/.zshrc file:

alias nrp-cmd="<path-to-nrp-invenio-client>/bin/nrp-cmd"

Create a new terminal and try running nrp-cmd.

Managing repositories

Adding a repository alias

The tool can work with multiple repositories. Each repository is identified by an alias and one of the repositories is set as a default.

To add a repository, invoke:

nrp-cmd add alias <servername> <alias> [--token token] [--skip-token] [--default]

where the servername is either the full URL of the server, or just the name of the host (e.g. and alias is an optional alias. If you do not provide the alias, the first part of the servername (up to the first dot) will be used.

If you do not specify the token, the command will try to open a repository login page in your default browser. After you log in, head to Personal tokens, create a token for the UI and copy it to the terminal. The token will be stored in the configuration file and used for subsequent requests.

You can skip this step by using the --skip-token option. If you do so, you will get an anonymous access to the repository - you will be able to read public records, but not to create or modify them.

Selecting the default repository

A default repository is used when no repository alias is specified in the command. The first repository added will be set as default. To change the default repository, run:

nrp-cmd select repository <alias>

Removing a repository

To remove a repository, run:

nrp-cmd remove repository <alias>

The list of repositories is stored in ~/.nrp/repositories.yaml file.

The file has the following structure:

  url: <url>
  token: <token>
  default: true
  url: <url>
  token: <token>
  default: false

Selecting repository for a single command

The repository on which operations will be performed might be selected in different ways:

  1. If nothing is specified, the default repository is used.
  2. If the --alias option is used, the repository with the given alias is used.
  3. If the --repository-url option is used, the repository with the given URL is used. You can also specify the token using the --token option, --retries to specify the number of retries in case of a failure, and --retry-interval to specify the interval between retries.

Repository introspection

Basic information

To get information about the repository, invoke:

nrp-cmd describe repository [--format=table,json,yaml] <alias>

This command will return a basic information about the repository, such as name and description.

You can select a format of the output using the --format option.

Sample YAML output:

name: Molecular bioinformatics repository
description: This repository contains molecular bioinformatics data.
- drafts
- communities
- requests
- custom_fields
- local-file
- url-fetch
version: 1.0.0
invenio_version: 12.0.13

Sample table output (default):

name           version    invenio_version    features       transfers    description
-------------  ---------  -----------------  -------------  -----------  -----------------------------
API test repo  1.0.0      12.0.13            drafts         local-file   Description of the repository
                                             communities    url-fetch


To get information about the models in the repository, invoke:

nrp-cmd describe models [--format=table,json,yaml] <alias> <model-regex>

Sample YAML output:

    name: Datasets
    description: This model contains datasets.
    version: 1.0.0
      - requests
      - drafts
      - files
      - custom_fields
      - name: myfield
        label: My field
        description: This is my field.
        type: string
    name: Another model
    description: This is another model.
    version: 1.5.0
      - requests
      - drafts
      - files

Searching the repository

To search the repository, invoke one of the following commands:

nrp-cmd search records [modifiers] <query>
nrp-cmd list records [modifiers] <query>

The optional query is a query string in the OpenSearch format. For example:

nrp-cmd search records "title:mytitle"

Modifiers [TODO]

The following modifiers are supported:

  • --model - name of the model which will be searched. If not specified, all models will be searched. This option can be specified multiple times.
  • TODO --community - name of the community whose records will be searched. If not specified, all communities will be searched. This option can be specified multiple times.
  • TODO --collection - name of the collection whose records will be searched. If not specified, all collections will be searched. This option can be specified multiple times.
  • --size - number of results to return. Default is 10.
  • --page - page number to return. Default is 1.
  • TODO --all-records - if specified, all records will be returned. This will override the --size and --page modifiers. You need to be authenticated to use this option.
  • --sort - sort order. The format is <field>:<order>, where <field> is the name of the field to sort by and <order> is either asc or desc. The default order is asc. This option can be specified multiple times.
  • --drafts - if specified, only draft records will be returned.
  • --published - if specified, only published records will be returned.
  • --format <format> - format of the output. The default is yaml. The supported formats are json and yaml.

If multiple models, communities or collections are specified, the search will return results from all of them in undefined order.

If the user is logged in, the search will also return private records.


If --all-records option is not used, the output looks like:

- mid: datasets/1
  id: 1
    title: My dataset
- mid: datasets/2
  id: 2
total: 100
  self: ...
  next: ...
  prev: ...

The records will be output in the order they were returned from the server as soon as they are received. The id is the identifier within the model, mid is the identifier including the model, which can be used in subsequent calls


If --all-records are not used, only a single page of results will be returned. To get the next page, run the command with --page option. For example:

nrp-cmd search --page 2 myserver "title:mytitle"

Note that records might be repeated on different pages or some of the records can be skipped. To prevent this, run the command with --all-records option.

Record identifiers

Several representations can be used to identify a record:

  • model/id - this is the mid field from search hits.
  • draft/model/id - this is the mid field from search hits for drafts.
  • https://repository/api/model/id - the self url of the record
  • https://repository/api/user/model/id - the self url of the draft record
  • https://repository/model-ui/id - the self_html url of the record. The HTML page must contain api metadata inside the head tag.
  • doi:10.3323/1234567 - a DOI allocated by the repository (or any other supported external persistent identifier). The DOI must be resolvable. A call to the DOI resolver will be made to get the actual location of the record metadata.

Stored record identifiers

All commands that accept record identifier can also accept a variable name prefixed with @. The variable will be replaced with the actual record identifier as remembered inside the configuration. You can set the variable in search or create commands by appending the @variable to the command, or manually by running nrp-cmd set [--alias alias] variable <name> <value>. Variables are always stored with the repository alias.

The following operations are available:

  • nrp-cmd set variable <name> <value> - sets the variable
  • nrp-cmd get variable <name> - gets the variable to stdout
  • nrp-cmd remove variable <name> - removes the variable
  • nrp-cmd list variables - lists all variables. By default the output is in a tabular format, but you can specify --format option to change it to json or yaml.
  • nrp-cmd search .... @variable - will store the identifiers of found records into the variable
  • nrp-cmd create record <model> <metadata> @variable - will store the identifier of the created record into the variable

CRUD operations

Reading record metadata

To get record metadata, invoke

nrp-cmd get record <pid>

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above.

The command will output the record to stdout, for example in yaml:

id: 1
mid: datasets/1
  title: My dataset

You can specify additional parameters:

  • -o, --output-file fn - will save the record as this output file
  • --files - will add a list of files to the output (but does not download them)
  • --requests - will add a list of requests to the output
  • --format - will change the output format to json or yaml
  • --overwrite - will overwrite the output file if it already exists, otherwise an error will be raised

The value of the --output-file can contain placeholders {model} and {id} which will be replaced with the model name and the record id. The placeholders can also reference metadata from within the record, such as {metadata.title}.json. Subdirectories are allowed within the --output-file and will be created if necessary.

Creating a record

To create a record, invoke

nrp-cmd create record <model> <metadata> [@variable]

where the model is the name of the model and the metadata is either a json string beginning with { containing the metadata, or path on the filesystem to a file containing the metadata in either json or yaml format.

The command will output the created record to stdout, for example in yaml:

# nrp-cmd create record documents '{"metadata":{"title": "blah"}}' @blah
mid: draft/documents/z2rrt-pz252
id: z2rrt-pz252
$schema: local://documents-1.0.0.json
created: '2024-03-14T13:30:01.133502+00:00'
- field: metadata.creators
  - Missing data for required field.
- field: metadata.resourceType
  - Missing data for required field.
  enabled: true
  # more links here ...
  id: rcpyq-rx266
- type_id: publish_draft
revision_id: 3
updated: '2024-03-14T13:30:01.154516+00:00'
  title: blah

If you specify the @variable, the identifier of the created record will be stored in the variable and can be used in subsequent commands, such as get or update:

# nrp-cmd get record @blah
mid: draft/documents/z2rrt-pz252
# ... same result as above

Updating a record

To update a record, invoke

nrp-cmd update record <pid> <metadata>

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above and metadata is either a json string beginning with { containing the metadata, or path on the filesystem to a file containing the metadata in either json or yaml format.

The command will fetch the actual version of the record and deep merge in the new metadata. The merged version is then uploaded back to the server. The deep merging means that the nested structures are merged together, not replaced, simple values are replaced, and lists are concatenated.

If you'd like to completely replace the metadata of the record, use the --replace option.

The command will output the updated record to stdout, for example in yaml:

# nrp-cmd update record @blah '{"metadata":{"title": "blah2"}}'
mid: draft/documents/z2rrt-pz252
# ... as above
revision_id: 4
updated: '2024-03-14T13:42:45.943826+00:00'
  title: blah2

Deleting a record

To delete a record, invoke

nrp-cmd delete record <pid>

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above.

Validating a record

To validate a record, invoke

nrp-cmd validate record <pid>

The command will perform a validation of the record and output the validation errors to stdout. If the record is invalid, the command will return a non-zero exit code.

Note: the validation is performed by saving the record, so internal revision number is increased by one. This implementation might change in the future.


Listing files on a record

To list files on a record, invoke

nrp-cmd list files <pid>

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above.

# nrp-cmd list files @blah
bucket_id: 73c3d9ec-e4f2-4109-9212-de9e85ecd302
checksum: md5:d70b90d02e92e8ccb83100a324ac0f29
created: '2024-03-14T13:50:24.671439+00:00'
file_id: aae1b651-2245-4853-bfb5-03f42fd41703
key: p8.toml
mimetype: application/octet-stream
size: 578
status: completed
storage_class: L
updated: '2024-03-14T13:50:24.804383+00:00'
version_id: 813511ba-fd02-4b13-888d-19cc145a7072
  description: project file
# ... more files here

Alternatively, you can use the --files option when getting a record and then taking the files section from the output:

# ❯ nrp-cmd get record @blah --files
mid: draft/documents/z2rrt-pz252
id: z2rrt-pz252
$schema: local://documents-1.0.0.json
created: '2024-03-14T13:30:01.133502+00:00'
- key: p8.toml
  storage_class: L
  checksum: md5:d70b90d02e92e8ccb83100a324ac0f29
  size: 578
  created: '2024-03-14T13:50:24.671439+00:00'
  updated: '2024-03-14T13:50:24.804383+00:00'
  status: completed
    description: project file
  mimetype: application/octet-stream
  version_id: 813511ba-fd02-4b13-888d-19cc145a7072
  file_id: aae1b651-2245-4853-bfb5-03f42fd41703
  bucket_id: 73c3d9ec-e4f2-4109-9212-de9e85ecd302

Downloading a file

To download a file, invoke

nrp-cmd download file <pid> <file-key> <file-key> ... [-o output-file]

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above and file-key is the key of the file to download. The output-file is the path to the file where the file will be saved. If you do not specify the output-file, the file will be saved to the current directory with the same name as the key.

If you specify multiple file-keys, the files will be downloaded to the current directory with the same name as the key. In this case, you might use the {var} placeholder in the output file. The placeholder will be replaced with the value from the file's metadata (for example, {title}.pdf will save the file as title). To keep the original extension, use the {ext} placeholder.

To download all files, use the '*' as the file-key. Do not forget to escape it in the shell.

Updating file metadata

To update file metadata, invoke

nrp-cmd update file <pid> <file-key> <metadata>

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above, file-key is the key of the file to update and metadata is either a json string beginning with { containing the metadata, or path on the filesystem to a file containing the metadata in either json or yaml format.

Re-uploading a file

To reupload a file, invoke

nrp-cmd replace file <pid> <file-key> <file> [<metadata>]

Deleting a file

To delete a file, invoke

nrp-cmd delete file <pid> <file-key>

Publish and edit published document

Publishing a draft

To publish a draft, invoke

nrp-cmd publish draft <pid> [version]

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above. The command will output the published record to stdout.

If you use a variable instead of the pid, the variable will be updated with the new identifier.

Note: the record is validated before publishing. If the validation fails, the command will fail and print the validation errors instead of the record.

Note: some repositories might prevent you to publish a draft directly. In this case, you need to create a request to publish the draft.

Editing published record

To edit a published record, invoke

nrp-cmd edit record <pid>

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above. The command will create draft record and output it to stdout.

If you use a variable instead of the pid, the variable will be updated with the new identifier.


Listing requests on a record

To list requests on a record, invoke

nrp-cmd list requests <pid>

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above.

  type_id: documents_publish_draft
  - id: 0c224d67-f8a1-4a51-bf15-a75bfd53ceb2
    created: '2024-03-16T16:36:42.538694+00:00'
    updated: '2024-03-16T16:36:42.545675+00:00'
    revision_id: 2
    type: documents_publish_draft
    title: ''
    number: '2'
    status: created
    is_closed: false
    is_open: false
    expires_at: null
    is_expired: false
      user: '1'
      group: curator
      documents_draft: b465x-wz855

Creating a request

To create a request, invoke

nrp-cmd create request <pid> <type> <metadata> [--submit] [@variable]

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above, type is the type of the request and metadata is either a json string beginning with { containing the metadata, or path on the filesystem to a file containing the metadata in either json or yaml format.

You can store the identifier of the created request in a variable by appending @variable to the command. It will store the <pid>/<request_id> into the variable, so later on you'll use this single variable instead of pid and request_id.

If you specify the --submit option, the request will be submitted immediately after creation.

Getting a request

To get a request, invoke

nrp-cmd get request <pid> <request-id>
# or
nrp-cmd get request @variable

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above and request-id is the identifier of the request. The command will output the request to stdout. The command takes output file and format options as well, see the get record command for details.

Updating a request with a new metadata

If the request has not been submitted, you can update the metadata of the request by invoking

nrp-cmd update request <pid> <request-id> <metadata>
# or
nrp-cmd update request @variable <metadata>

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats, as defined above, request-id is the identifier of the request and metadata is either a json string beginning with { containing the metadata, or path on the filesystem to a file containing the metadata in either json or yaml format.

Submitting a request

To submit a request, invoke

nrp-cmd submit request <pid> <request-id> [<message>]
# or
nrp-cmd submit request @variable [<message>]

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats as defined above and request-id is the identifier of the request. You can pass a message to the submit command, which will be stored in the request.

Cancelling a request

To cancel a request, invoke

nrp-cmd cancel request <pid> <request-id> [<message>]
# or
nrp-cmd cancel request @variable [<message>]

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats as defined above and request-id is the identifier of the request. You can pass a message to the cancel command, which will be stored in the request.

Accepting a request

To accept a request, invoke

nrp-cmd accept request <pid> <request-id> [<message>]
# or
nrp-cmd accept request @variable [<message>]

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats as defined above and request-id is the identifier of the request. You can pass a message to the accept command, which will be stored in the request.

Declining a request

To decline a request, invoke

nrp-cmd decline request <pid> <request-id> [<message>]
# or
nrp-cmd decline request @variable [<message>]

where the pid is the record identifier in any of the supported formats as defined above and request-id is the identifier of the request. You can pass a message to the decline command, which will be stored in the request.